I was born in Washington as Linsey Warren, but in the mountains I'm known as 'Mystic Thumbs'. I grew up the youngest of three and was literally born to be outside. I begged to go on trips as far back as I can remember and have always dreamed of adventures. While living in Europe I learned to rock climb in the French Alps leading my first multi pitch route when I was 13 and hiking across Corsica when I was 14. When I returned back in the US at 16 I started learning to mountaineer and have been in the mountains since. At 18 I joined up with Tacoma Mountain Rescue because I wanted to learn and give back to the community. I've been climbing ever since and continuing to explore the world. After becoming the youngest person to climb the 100 highest peaks in Washington state, known as the Bulger List, I relocated to Europe with my husband and continue to pursue my passion for the mountains and the outdoors.
Standing on the arctic tundra in Puvirnituq, Nunavik, Canada
"Sometimes our passions find us young. Sometimes we are born for a specific purpose – for me, I was simply born for adventure, although the mountains captured my heart long before any others..."
- Linsey
She is the definition of tenacious and passionate. She can rough it with the best of them and then slip on a skirt at the trail head. And when we got married I said one of the things I loved most about her was that she was a perfect combination of rugged and sexy.
- Kyle (Linsey's Husband)
How did I come by the name"Mystic Thumbs"?
This moniker, or mountain name, found me very early on. In fact, while still a student in a mountaineering course I was out on a wet day in February making my way up through the morning mist, into the snow higher on the mountain to practice orientation skills. Before continuing with the story I should here note that I have short thumbs with a wide nail. They look odd though don’t normally grab people’s attention without my mentioning it. So while making our way up the slope a woman spotted my hands and instantly approached me telling me that I “had the thumbs of a mystic” and that, “in Iran I’d marry rich”. And as soon as she’d said those words I could only laugh and she was gone off into the weather. I never saw her again. It was very nearly like an apparition and was so odd I never forgot it. And in fact, I was so struck by the phrasing I adopted it as my mountain name and have signed many registers with "Mystic Thumbs".
The Warren Variation?
This acknowledgement was born of years of outdoor trips. It started with my impatience waiting for a rope in front of us on Argonaut Peak. In an effort to speed up the process I noticed a section to the right which, when eyeballed ‘didn’t look too difficult’ and without any further consideration started climbing up that. It soon became quite difficult and when I got to the top I warned the person following me that it was considerably harder than the other route. The trend continued on more and more peaks as initially my confusion, and then my impatience and finally my curiosity got the better of me and lead me further and further off routes. My tendency to venture off the beaten path and forge my own way soon gained notoriety among my friends. And for better or for worse people would jokingly say after trips ”Oh no. We took The Warren Variation!”.
Youngest person to climb the 100 highest peaks in Washington State (the Bulger List) at 27
I'm currently contemplating writing a book of my experiences and a guide book for future Bulgers.
Spent two months in an Inuit village called Puvurnituq learning about arctic survival, Inuit culture and my own independence
Relocated to England in 2017 and to Scotland in 2018. Currently pursuing the 283 highest peaks in the country known as the Munros.
Other Fun Facts
PADI Open Water scuba certified in the dark cold waters of the Puget Sound to take my dive adventures global
I ski, snowshoe, run and bike all around the Pacific Northwest and Greater Seattle and all across Europe
I love to travel and learn about new cultures and meet new people
I love to spread my passion whether belaying girl scouts learning to climb or being a volunteer climb leader for The Mountaineers
Outside of outdoor adventure I love to bake, draw and sew when I'm at home
I'm both a modern and a renaissance woman - But most of all I'm a mountain woman!
“Adventures give you laughs and misadventures give you lessons.”